Friday, January 22, 2021

Physics Topic 1 Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements (part 1)

 Syllabus Content 

  • 1.1 Scalars and Vectors 
  • 1.2 Measurement techniques 
  • 1.3 Units and symbols

1.1 Physical Quantities and Units

  • Physics is the study that deals with matter and energy and their interactions.
  • Major branches of physics are general physics, thermal physics, waves, electricity, magnetism, and atomic physics
  • Any measurable  characteristic of something is called physical quantity 
  • Some of the commonly used physical quantities are mass, time, force, speed, distance, electric current, pressure, volume, temperature.

                                                                     Fig. 1.1

  • A physical quantity always needs a magnitude (i.e. a numerical value and a unit) in order to specify it. Fig. 1.1
  • There are two types of Physical quantities
  1. base quantities 
  2. derived quantities 
  • Base quantities are the physical quantities in terms of which other physical quantities can be described. Mass, time and distance are some examples of base quantities.
  • Derived quantities are the physical quantities which can be described in terms of base quantities. Force, Velocity, and acceleration are some examples of derived quantities. 
  • A unit is a standard of measuring a physical quantity correctly.
  • There are two types of Units: 
  1. base units
  2. derived units        
  • Base Units are units for base quantities e.g. second (s), meter (m), kilogram (k), etc.
  • Derived Units are the units for derived quantities e.g. newton (N), watt (W), meter per second (m/s) etc.
  • A set of base and derived units is called system of units.
  • British Engineering System and System International Units (SI units) are two examples of system of units. 
  • System International units (SI units) have been adopted internationally for the efficient measurement of physical quantities.
Fig. 1.2
  • Fig. 1.2 shows a list of seven base quantities and their corresponding SI units.

  Derivation of Derived Units.

                                                                          Fig. 1.3
  • Derived units are expressed in terms of base units by means of mathematical symbols of multiplication and division.
  • The fig. 1.3 shows how some of the derived units are derived from base units.
  • Prefixes are the terms used internationally for the multiples and sub multiples of various units. For example, 2500g can be better written as 2.5 kg and 0.008 m can be written as 8mm.
  • A list of commonly used prefixes are given in fig. 1.4.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Quranic Passages 9

Surah Al Zilzaal (99)

A:Main Theme:

Theme of the passage is God's relation with the created world. It elaborates the events and final outcome of the Day of Judgement. That day will be marked by the most intense convulsions that will reverse all the normal physical phenomena. Mankind will be shocked to see earth emitting all it's hidden contents, as mentioned in Quran:
"and when the Earth is flattened and casts forth what is within it and becomes empty."
Finally all mankind will appear in the divine court of justice for the rewards of their worldly deeds.

B: Importance of Theme:

This passage ask Muslims to have strong faith in God's power to end time and make all stand accountable before Him for the ultimate justice. With such a belief, Muslims will learn about the worthlessness of this world and realize the value of true worlds. Genuine and sincere faith in the hereafter shapes the conduct of Muslims, this belief reminds them of God's mercy justice and powers. The Quran repeatedly talks of this theme by using several expressions that include:
" when the sun is folded up." "when the sky is clef asunder." and " when the earth is flattened out."
The objective of this repetition is to remind Muslims of Hereafter.

By Muhammad Hasnain
A student of Olevel School

Monday, January 27, 2020

Quranic Passage 8

Surah Al Alaq (96:1-5)

A: Main theme

The main theme of this passage is Allah's relation with created world. This is Makki surah. It is the first revelation that the  Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had received in the cave of Hira. It mentions God's power to create and ensure the survival and growth of mankind. He created man from a low origin and then matured him physically, intellectually and spiritually by enabling him to read and write. Human ability to acquire knowledge means to learn both worldly and divine knowledge. The passage further elaborates that knowledge is a special gift of Allah to mankind:
" Taught man what he did not know."

B: Importance of Theme:

According to the theme of the passage, Muslims are required to acknowledge God's goodness and greatness as He created man from a low origin and then enabled him to acquire worldly and religious knowledge. Human ability to learn has made him superior to all other creatures and that is why the first revelation begins with the command "READ". The Quran at another place endorse this fact: 
" We have indeed created man in the best of moulds."

By Muhammad Hasnain
A student of Olevel School

Quranic Passage 7

Surah Al Baqarah (2:21-22)

A: Main Theme:

This is Madni surah and the main theme of this passage is Allah's relation with the created the world. It outlines God's power to create out of nothing and make arrangements for the sustenance and growth of mankind through all ages. This passage describes God's dual arrangements of physical and spiritual development of humans by referring to earth and heavens. Surah Alaq mentions the same as:
" Taught man by the pen, taught men that which he knew not."

B: Importance of Theme:

The passage conveys the message of identifying God by way of the natural environment created by Him and then realizing that He alone is to be worshiped and adored. It teaches Muslims to avoid shirk and bow before the creator of all. They should closely observe God's favor and blessings as is frequently mentioned in Surah Rehman:
" Then which of bounties of your lord will you deny."
The best way of remembering God's favor is to obey and worship Him and avoid Shirk.

By Muhammad Hasnain
A student of Olevel School

Quranic Passage 6

Surah Al Fatiha (1)

A: Main Theme (Allah's relation with created world):

This is Makki & Madni Surah and the main theme of this passage is Allah's relation with created world. It declares that God alone is the sustainer of all the known and the unknown worlds. He is ultimate source of mercy justice and guidance for mankind. It's men duty to beg before Him for guidance:
" And your Lord says; call on Me I shall answer your supplication."
He also tells man the consequences of following this code of conduct or going astray. This passage sums up the relation between God and Humankind.

B: Importance of Theme: 

This is the only surah revealed twice first in Makkah and then in Madina.  Muslims are told to worship God by following the "Right Path" contained in Quran and Sunnah because according to Quran :
"He has inscribed for Himself the rule of mercy."
They should be pious because God is not only merciful He is also just as He will dispense absolute justice on the Day of Judgement.

By Muhammad Hasnain
A student of Olevel School

Physics Topic 1 Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements (part 1)

  Syllabus Content  1.1 Scalars and Vectors   1.2 Measurement techniques  1.3 Units and symbols 1.1 Physical Quantities and Units Physics is...