Monday, January 27, 2020

Quranic Passage 8

Surah Al Alaq (96:1-5)

A: Main theme

The main theme of this passage is Allah's relation with created world. This is Makki surah. It is the first revelation that the  Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had received in the cave of Hira. It mentions God's power to create and ensure the survival and growth of mankind. He created man from a low origin and then matured him physically, intellectually and spiritually by enabling him to read and write. Human ability to acquire knowledge means to learn both worldly and divine knowledge. The passage further elaborates that knowledge is a special gift of Allah to mankind:
" Taught man what he did not know."

B: Importance of Theme:

According to the theme of the passage, Muslims are required to acknowledge God's goodness and greatness as He created man from a low origin and then enabled him to acquire worldly and religious knowledge. Human ability to learn has made him superior to all other creatures and that is why the first revelation begins with the command "READ". The Quran at another place endorse this fact: 
" We have indeed created man in the best of moulds."

By Muhammad Hasnain
A student of Olevel School

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