Surah: Al- Anaam (6:101-103)
A: Main Theme:
Theme of the passage is Allah in Himself. It elaborates some of the fundamental aspects of unity of God (Tawhid). It descries God as the originator of universe and rejects any kind of misconception of God having any family. It also refers to His unbounded knowledge, power and grasp on His created world. The passage further stresses on the sublime nature of God and inability of human imagination to encompass God's person, though He himself can see to the unfathomable depths, as endorsed elsewhere in the Quran:
" for God is He Who understands the finest mysteries"(22:63)
B: Importance of Theme:
This passage is important for Muslims to clearly understand the doctrine of Tawhid in terms of God's nature and powers. Muslims need to learn that though God is too sublime to be perceived, He is everywhere and all powerful. The Quran reminds Muslims this repeatedly:
" and He is with you where ever you are" (57:04, Al-Hadid), and " for We are nearer to him (man) than his jugular vein"(50:16, Qaf).
The passage also categorically negates false belief of God having any wife or children and thus, it strikes at the roots of shrik. Muslims, in this way develop a clearer concept of Tawhid and feel themselves bound to adore God only. They remember that shrik is the only unpardonable sin in sight of God.
By Muhammad Hasnain
A student of Olevel School
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