Monday, January 27, 2020

Quranic Passage 6

Surah Al Fatiha (1)

A: Main Theme (Allah's relation with created world):

This is Makki & Madni Surah and the main theme of this passage is Allah's relation with created world. It declares that God alone is the sustainer of all the known and the unknown worlds. He is ultimate source of mercy justice and guidance for mankind. It's men duty to beg before Him for guidance:
" And your Lord says; call on Me I shall answer your supplication."
He also tells man the consequences of following this code of conduct or going astray. This passage sums up the relation between God and Humankind.

B: Importance of Theme: 

This is the only surah revealed twice first in Makkah and then in Madina.  Muslims are told to worship God by following the "Right Path" contained in Quran and Sunnah because according to Quran :
"He has inscribed for Himself the rule of mercy."
They should be pious because God is not only merciful He is also just as He will dispense absolute justice on the Day of Judgement.

By Muhammad Hasnain
A student of Olevel School

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